Public service announcement: Physical laws.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/3W1jIwImon
— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) December 12, 2017
Public service announcement: Retraction of papers in science.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/FKhAV3K8mP— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) December 10, 2017
Public service announcement: Cause and effect/the law of causality.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/UfXyL9plvh— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) December 7, 2017
Public service announcement: Belief#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/fLKyHOGWQ3— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) December 4, 2017
Public service announcement: Proof in science.#HackPSAhttps://t.co/Pku892o7bD pic.twitter.com/VgPECVqbTo— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) November 25, 2017
Public Service Announcement: Quoting the bible.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/9NLvV69KNw— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 10, 2017
Public Service Announcement: Beginning of the Universe.— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 7, 2017
Going to start tagging these.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/IH9RkJdEhP
Public service announcement: Einstein was a theist/atheist.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/kV8vIdW7Hl— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 11, 2017
Public service announcement: Interpretations.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/BHiLQdlerM— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 15, 2017
Public service announcement: Misogyny and its roots.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/TyvHB73Wvv— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 25, 2017
Public service announcement: Winning a debate.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/CNyhsLKTUN— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 29, 2017
Public service announcement: Circular reasoning.#HackPSAhttps://t.co/xpkLU1sN8P pic.twitter.com/YFyBrNwcVo— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 22, 2017
Public service announcement: Fine tuning.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/UNJHo7mocK— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 20, 2017
Public service announcement: Atheism.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/MfDTjqrSmz— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 20, 2017
Public service announcement: Burden of proof.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/1e2hwiwyjZ— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 19, 2017
Public service announcement: Morality and the subjective/objective false dichotomy.https://t.co/itkmLhcmq8#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/QMvHJLrvDu— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 27, 2017
Public service announcement: Atheism as a religious construct.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/m5FZclIfq1— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 2, 2017
Public service announcement: Einstein was a theist/atheist.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/kV8vIdW7Hl— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 11, 2017
Public service announcement: Aggressive posting and time-wasting.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/CfSdAUZUgI— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 21, 2017
Public service announcement: Consciousness and quantum theory.— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 8, 2017
Apologies for the length. No short way to address this bollocks.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/mE3sGkTACH
Public service announcement: Null hypothesis.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/4tupUkaVfP— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) November 2, 2017
Public service announcement: Virtue-signalling:#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/YCRCh9mB4Q— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 28, 2017
Public service announcement: Scepticism and 'new' science.#HackPSAhttps://t.co/KmcDOrhduw pic.twitter.com/0SosYpHXjn— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) November 1, 2017
Public service announcement: Falsifiability#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/2l1fp1Gmy1— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 30, 2017
Public service announcement: Possibility.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/41PWSX7TNL— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) October 5, 2017
Public service announcement: Freedom of speech.#HackPSA— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 25, 2017
Since this has come up yet again... pic.twitter.com/2yg5vEKVfC
Public service announcement: Slippery slope fallacy.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/V8MRF23JWj— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 24, 2017
Public service announcement: Kneeling in protest.#HackPSA pic.twitter.com/nM95NvdeW1— 🗡️Doc hackenslash Murphy that is Tony🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 24, 2017
Public service announcement: Freedom of speech and nazis.#HackPSA— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 21, 2017
In response to the idea that we shouldn't allow Nazis to speak. pic.twitter.com/cFnjolCsyd
Public service announcement: Christmas cards.https://t.co/C6kXBlmnER@RiverPowerPodAP pic.twitter.com/ePa0J8Gh32— 🗡️Doc hackenslash🖊 (@hackenslash2) September 21, 2017
Dear Tony.
ReplyDeleteThere is a book written by an italian named francesco carotta, the titel of the book is "was jesus caesar".
It did help me to understand the gibberish in the gospels.
You can find mr carotta on his website carotta.de
If you havent read the book yet, i would certainly do.
Succes with your work, we are at pope number 266 at the moment, so "they" will continue as there are many of them around the world in all sorts of derivations.
Carotta compares the storie of the death and cremation of gaius iulius as written by appian en other roman historians, and compares this story with the jesus story, and he will give you a key, the key is at carottas site. the gospel of jesus is a fictional keynovel, the historical jesus never existed, or it would be a transfer of gaius iulius.
wish you good luck, sent my greeting to phil donald, your fellow mancunian.
its me bolders.
there is also a youtube "the gospel of caesar" which for me was clarifying.
the new testament was written by fl. titus josephus aka yufus ben mattetayu etc.